Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Episode XXX: Revenge of the Pith

Hello, all you wild and zany people I call my friends! And welcome, to those of you who are seeing this blog for the first time. Almost a year has passed since my last missive, and I’m sure many of you have wondered what in the world has happened to me since then. Where has SuperMaren’s adventures taken her? Rome? Paris? Taiwan? Or, the most exotic place in all the world: Philadelphia?

Yes, Philadelphia has been at the center of my adventures these days. I made a brief trip to Chicago for a friend’s wedding, and because that was an adventure all by itself, I thought I’d write about it in a separate document. You can download that here and read it at your leisure.

One of the reasons I've been so remiss in relaying my adventures is that I really wasn't comfortable with the "blogger" format (i.e., reading backwards in time, etc.) and when I started working with they had just started, and their interface was funny, and I didn't like any of their templates. I tried to use the template from my website, but all that caused was confusion, because I really just don't have the HTML chops to make it look the way I wanted it to look. My cousin Mike tried to help me (thanks Mike!) but I kind of gave up and started writing again through my copy of NetObjects Fusion, which was clunky, but easier than the blogger interface...and besides, it had the templates on there that I liked.

Why am I telling you this? Because in writing this missive, I've come to realize that over the past year I've had so many adventures I can't truly write about them without the blogger format, and now that has come up with a better interface and some pretty templates, I feel more comfortable writing this way. So I've written my adventures through compilations of emails I've sent to some of you over the past year and published them at the time when they happened (kind of like rewriting history, I guess), and if you want to read them, you're going to have to browse through the archives. Yes, it's the interactive version. You can pick and choose what you want to read about. Have fun, but remember that each entry is placed in reverse chronological order; that is, the most recent posts are on top.

So feel free to comment, critique, and even rant (although if you rant too much you might as well start your own blog) in the "comments" section down below, and we'll see what happens!


Adam875 said...

You can, I think, change your settings so posts display from oldest to newest.

12:27 AM  
Cousin Mike said...

Looks good Maren! Nicely done.

8:59 AM  

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