Friday, November 04, 2005

Frolicking At Funky Formal

When we got to the Funky Formal, the party was in full swing, with DJ Kiltboy at the helm, playing all the funky music he could get his hands on.

About a half an hour after we got to the party, Kiltboy picked up the microphone and said, "This has been a very romantic weekend. I understand two people got engaged." Ray and I looked at each other, and several of our friends started whooping and pointing at us. I had told Kiltboy earlier that day, but didn't expect him to announce it, and although I don't mind public humiliation, Ray does tend to shy away from the spotlight. Then Kiltboy continued, "Angie and Darren, will you come on up here? This one's for you." Another couple came running up on stage and started slow dancing/making out. Ray and I looked at each other, both puzzled. Angie and Darren? Who the hell are Angie and Darren? Someone stole Ray's idea of proposing on the last weekend?

Well, whatever. We figured maybe Kiltboy would let them have their time, and then announce our engagement next. And sure enough, after a few more songs, he picked up the microphone again and said, "Well, it seems romance is in the air. Can I have your attention please?" Then he handed the microphone to another guy who proceeded to propose to his girlfriend right then and there! "Jeez," I said, "is there something in the water?"

We waited the rest of the night for DJ Kiltboy to announce our engagement. We figured he MUST have it on his agenda, right? No. As they were kicking us out, Ray approached Kiltboy, who smacked his forehead and said, "Dude, I'm so sorry. I was so drunk I totally forgot to announce your engagement." Riiiiight. My theory? Kiltboy doesn't remember my name. But I'm just keeping that one between you and me.


erica said...

kiltboy has a sieve for a brian - bad bad memory. but congrats anyway :)

11:04 PM  
dj kiltboy said...

Oops... Sorry

4:56 AM  

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