Friday, May 26, 2006

Can't complete a...

One of the reasons I haven't been blogging much is that my mind has been too scattered for me to actually sit down and write out a full story. So in lieu of anything that actually makes sense, I'll jot down a few amusing, but random, things that have happened over the last week or so.

I watched the season finales of Survivor, Amazing Race, Lost, Top Chef, and I'm saving the Alias finale on VCR for my viewing pleasure tonight. Now that all the good shows are done, what am I going to watch? That stupid dancing show?

A friend of mine cracked a wisdom tooth (ouch!), and had to have it pulled. What was he eating at the time? Smartfood. I'm not making this up.

I woke up this morning from a dream where I was explaining to a bunch of people in detail how cells undergo mitosis. Why can't I dream about normal crap, like pickles or cigars? Oy.

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