Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Solidarity, baby

Last night I went to a union meeting. Ray told me to bring a baseball bat. I said, "It's not that bad a part of Philly." He said, "No, I mean, to protect yourself from the union thugs."

"It's not the steelworkers' union, silly. It's just a bunch of artists," I pointed out. He said, "So?" Point taken. Unfortunately I didn't have a baseball bat to bring.

Actually, that was the first real union meeting I've ever been to, and it's about time, since I've belonged to two different unions for four years now. I'm always invited to meetings in Philly with the other union I belong to, but I'm never able to make it, and really I don't do a lot of work with that union, so I don't think I'd have much to contribute. But maybe this time I can actually make a difference. Or maybe I'm being a little naive. Either way, I got roped into one of the subcommittees. At least I have the time to commit to them.

I'm all excited for my big trip to Vermont this weekend. One of my dear friends is getting married, and I suppose I'll have to give a report to y'all when I get back. I won't have too much time to write, though, since I'll be on a plane two days later to sunny CA for my brother's graduation! I'll be clocking in more miles in than the Travelocity gnome. I guess I'd better do my laundry before I leave.


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