Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Malaprop Strike in Tandem

Caution: if you are easily offended at people making fun of spelling errors, do not read this post.

I know I'm a snob. I freely admit it. Spelling and grammar matter to me, and I don't care who knows it. I'm the person who finds and points out the typos in menus. I think it's a family thing, because the other day, my brother and I were in a New York deli and snickered together at the rows upon rows of individually labeled "Pumpkin Laof" and "Zucchini Laof."

So when my friend, Mr. Malaprop, sent out another one of his updates, I was once again amused at his witless spelling. Throughout his email, he continually mentions his search for leather "bottels," which, when I first saw the word, figured it was a typo. But he consistently spelled it that way throughout the entire letter, even using different forms of the word, like "bottelmaker." Because he was trying to do some research into the history of bottlemaking, I thought perhaps he was quoting a 15th century spelling of the word, but when he did actually quote a piece of literature, he spelled the word correctly. Go figure.

I have another friend (or, as she would put it, "freind") who throws all spelling rules out the window when she types, and it's almost an art form how she finds new spellings for words. I was recently invited to a party of hers where the subject of the invitation itself reads, "Not having enought [sic] fun?" I am having fun now. Ooh, write something else. Please, please write something else. I haven't had a good giggle since...since Mr. Malaprop sent me something!


Adam875 said...

Y'know, ironically, you've misused the word "malaprop!"

(Sorry, it runs in my family too.)

malaprop |ˈmaləˌpräp| (also malapropism) noun the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect, as in, for example, “dance a flamingo ” (instead of flamenco).

1:05 AM  
Maren said...

Thanks! See next post for correction. Actually, my original post for Mr. Malaprop uses the word "malaprop" correctly, and the name just stuck. But you're right; my bad! That just goes to show you nothing good comes from mocking people. Except for a little giggling now and then.

9:13 AM  
OKP said...

Thou art awesome in every way, Maren, so fret not. Your encounters with the Spelligns are not uncommon episodes. Of course, I teach, so I see the errors all over the place. My favorite? So far, it's "Mr. Darcy is well-bread"; a judicious comma would make it even more hilarious.

ABC sent me your way. More bloggage! And congrats on your upcoming nuptials!

9:57 PM  

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