Thursday, December 01, 2005

Nerdiness to the nth degree

So I've been in rehearsals for an upcoming concert that includes works by Poulenc, Distler, and many others. The Distler is a gorgeous collection of variations of "Es ist ein Ros entsprungen," or, for those non German-speakers out there, "Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming." And very luckily for us, we have a native German in our midst to coach us in our pronunciation. Now, our de facto German coach has been harping upon our conductor to pronounce the name Distler as "Dees-tler," contrary to what one would normally pronounce that word if it weren't a proper noun.

Likewise, I've been very quietly (more like under my breath or with a few of the members of my section) been correcting our conductor's pronunciation of the Poulenc, which, at first glance, might seem to be pronounced "Poo-lonk" (or as one would annotate in IPA, [pu-lãk]), but in fact, the correct pronunciation is "Poo-lenk" [pu-lɛ̃k]. Except I guess I wasn't so quiet the other night because I opened my big mouth and corrected our dear conductor, who apparently had said it wrong on the radio, and I got some snarkiness from a few singers of, "Well, it's not Elvish, so how would you know?"

So to that, I say: tomato, to-mah-toe, [pu-lɛ̃k], [di-stlə], let's call the whole thing off.


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